Carry the torch

Light the way

Defeat the darkness

An evil sorceress enslaves your people: your friends, family and home. You have been chosen to wield the light of the lantern. Follow the doors, avoid the traps. Defeat the sorceress and free you people. 

A very short 2D platformer with old school style. No power ups: just pure, simple jumping mechanics.  Supports gamepad, however this is dependent on your browser.  I recommend Chrome or Firefox. DOES NOT WORK IN THE ITCH.IO APP!


Move Left/Right:  A/D, Arrow Keys, DPad

Jump:  Spacebar, A (Xbox), X (Playstation)

Run: Shift, Right trigger

Some caveats: 

  • Viewport is not resizable
  • Doesn't work on mobile

Development log


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Worked better for me when opened the canvas in a new tab, due to the spacebar jumping (though usually that shouldn't be a problem). Otherwise pretty nice platformer, some unique ideas and visual look too. Looks very promising.

If interested, you could enter a version of this game into our Game Development World Championship!

Thanks for playing! I'll look into binding jump to an additional key (spacebar will still work). I'll also look into submitting it to the GDWC, thanks for the heads up!

Thank you very much for your interest!